Page name: Voice clips [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-12 01:15:54
Last author: Sunrose
Owner: Patri
# of watchers: 33
D20: 16
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The long awaited voice clips wiki was finally created.
Don't expect to listen to great thoughts here, but who knows?
Maybe a new Socrates might show up... :-P

In cooperation with Vocal clips: Elftowners singing!

Voice clips list, in alphabetical order of username:

[All_Most PUNK]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [All_Most PUNK]: <URL:stuff/Separador.mp3>
From an old radio demo: Me and Fran UPMA talking. I'm the one who says "Tenemos el llamado de un oyente". There's no point in trying to explain the joke.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [All_Most PUNK]: <URL:stuff/AyPeroQueLindoLugar.wav>
PUNK playing the part of a woman in a radio play: "Hola, ¿Como están? Ay, pero que lindo lugar que tienen" ("Hello, how are you? Oh, but what a nice place you have").

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [All_Most PUNK]: <URL:stuff/NonononoQuerida.wav>
Same radio play as before: "Ah, no, no, no, no, no, querida. Vos sabes muy bien... vos sabes muy bien que esa cancha es de las tres familias, así que no me vengas a reclamar nada" ("Ah, no, no, no, no, dear. You know very well... you know very well that that court belongs to the three families, so don't come here demanding anything"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [All_Most PUNK]: <URL:stuff/What_is_a_door_anyway.mp3>
Something I was asked to record. The phrase. The several intonations and such are all my creation and weren't required.
I misspronounced "jar" every time. For some reason, I pronounced it in spanish :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [All_Most PUNK]: <URL:stuff/Punkpseudodutch.mp3>
Me talking pseudo-dutch. Nothing to add.


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [ally]: <URL:stuff/bishbishbish.wav>
Saved by [font]: She really thinks I'm a Bitch

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [ally]: <URL:stuff/laughattack.wav>
Saved by [font]: She laughs... a lot.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [ally]: <URL:stuff/lateralwayslater.wav>
Saved by [font]: She was demanding something.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [ally]: <URL:stuff/cleancookdrive.wav>
Saved by [font]: Clean, cook, drive me about (thief).

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [ally]: <URL:stuff/youknowthatiknow.wav>
Saved by [font]: You know I know you know... huh?

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [ally]: <URL:stuff/allyzombie.wav>
Saved by [font]: The mother-language.


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Cia_mar]: <URL:stuff/ciashello.wav>
Saved by yours truely! a bit corny but oh


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [djxmonster]: <URL:stuff/djxmonsterEatMe.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: I forget what was going on, but it sounds kinky.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [djxmonster]: <URL:stuff/djxmonsterOreos.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Oreos :)


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Dory]: <URL:stuff/DoryCabertoss.wav>


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/Fonthihihihi.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: hihihihi :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/Fontlaugh.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose] :D

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontSsssh!.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Ssssh!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]:  <URL:stuff/FontThoughtWrong.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Thought you couldn't save any' *grins*

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontAreYaAngry.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: xDxD

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontOfCourseItIs.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Of course it is...'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontOhYeah.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Oooh yeah!'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontEhm.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'To clean, cook, drive me about' x)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontLiar.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Uu'r a liaaar'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontWillTalkToHim.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'I'll talk to him'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontAntiSocial.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'He's a very anti-social little critter'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/PixieHeliumFM.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: He thinks I sound like I ate helium.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/notcrap.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: "I'm not crap, I'm eccentric"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/Font_Pirate.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: Pirate!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontKilledComputer.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "Oh (De Bass?) I think you killed my computer."

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontMakingCrapUp.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: :D

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontIsTaller.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "I'm ten times taller than you, and a lot older" (talking to Dave)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontIgnoringMe.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "Are you ignoring me?"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontRiddle.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "Now you see, you've told me a little riddle that I don't understand"

[font] and [Isilando]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font] and [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/FontIsilandoLaffLikeAMan.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Alan laffs like a man.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font] and [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/FontIsilandoPowersniff.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: The word is 'parsnip'. This is where 'powersniff' came from ;)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font] and [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/FontIsilandoPinkBras.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: I just put all of these together :/ We must have typed in between or I am missing some clips :) It is still funny :D

[font] and [Sunrose]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose] and [font]: <URL:stuff/FontSunroseBOAT.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Debby is Alan's boat :3


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Hermelin]: <URL:stuff/HermelinHallo.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: Tor says hallo ^_^


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [iippo]:
The iippo way of saying "gured".

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [iippo]:
Hard core street cred stuff. "The water in Majorca doesn't taste like what it ought to."


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoPeggyBabcock.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: [Isilando] doing an English tonguetwister called 'Peggy Babcock' =)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/Isilando_snails.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: [Isilando] doing a Hebrew tonguetwister xD
  * Shula shola shablulim bashlulit. Col shablul asher Shula shola hoo shela. Shela col shablul asher Shula shola bashlulit shebah Shula shola shablulim.
  * Shula is picking snails in the pond. Every snail which Shula picks is hers. Hers is every snail which Shula picks in the pond in which Shula picks snails.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/Isiwillcomplain-funnyvoice.wav>
Saved by [Patri]: "I will complain Patri. I will..."

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/deepvoice.wav>
Saved by [Patri]: "Deep voice".

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoCockroach.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: "Curly haired cockroach?"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoBackandDangerous.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: "Back and Dangerous..."

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoTheyMustDie.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "All cockroaches and all mosquitos must die"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoUnknownPerson.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Hallo Unknown Person

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoJamesBond.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: James Bond

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoLikeLegolas.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "I sound like Legolas, only a bit"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoAboutJesus.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "I don't really know any Jesus line in English...dammit..." *bad language* :p

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoJesusLovesYou.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Jesus loves you...but...

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoTeddy.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "teddy" not "deady"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoCount.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: bad language I thought he said "count"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoNobodyLovesMe.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Probably told him to go to bed?

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoHallucination.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "Some people actually like to use my blood as a hallucination substance..."

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoAlanWhitepants.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Alan Whitepants

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/Isilandoazazaza.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: haha :p Tongue tied!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/goodbloodgroovy.wav>
Saved by [Shreya]: omg groovyblood!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/clear.wav>
Saved by [Shreya]: Oh, he doesn't know what he's saying.

[Isilando] and [Patri]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando] and [Patri]: <URL:stuff/PatriLoversomgDNA.wav>
Saved by [Isilando]: "He has your DNA and your germs all over him, all over..." "That's disgusting... Give me my DNA back".

[Isilando] and [pixish]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando] and [pixish]: <URL:stuff/IsiPixBananas.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: Pixie smells bananas and Isi thinks about using them anally.


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Ittai]: <URL:stuff/ItayHellooooow.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Hellooooow'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Ittai]: <URL:stuff/ItaySkypeMe.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Skype meeeej' Haha adorable :D

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Ittai]: <URL:stuff/ItayHmmmHahahahaaa.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Hmmm Hahahahahaaaa...'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Ittai]: <URL:stuff/ItayOmgOmg.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Omgomg there I go silly again' xD

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Ittai]: <URL:stuff/ItayGroovy.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Groovy'

[Jitter] and [Triola]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Triola]: <URL:stuff/triotriotriodigdigdig.wma>
Making Diglett-sounds at [Sunrose]'s request.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Jitter]: <URL:stuff/Hola.wav>
The answer to a diglett-sound request by [Triola].
<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Triola]: <URL:stuff/tihi-voiceclip.wma>
Answer to the previous voice clip.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Jitter]: <URL:stuff/myiqislowerthanyours.wav>
Answer to the previous, and finally some diglett-sounds!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Triola]: <URL:stuff/imalwaysright.wma>
Mention of Tri and slappage.


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Levoton]: <URL:stuff/KeyshikaSheep.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Barnyard animals! a duet with [Sunrose] ;)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Levoton]: <URL:stuff/KeyshikaNissan.wav>
Saved by [Levoton]: Brain-twister for Finns: "I was in my Nissan in my dreams."

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Levoton]: <URL:stuff/KeyshikaVesihiisi.wav>
Saved by [Levoton]: And a tongue-twister for all. Something to the likes of "A water devil hissed in an elevator."

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Levoton]:
Saved by Keys: "epäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydellänsäkäänköhän"
Excuse me if I typoed. :p

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Levoton]: <URL:stuff/salakavala.mp3>
11:00:23 iippo: Keyshika! Record another tongue twister: Sakaalin kamala salakavala palava pallosalama.
11:24:11 Slavork: what does that mean? :P
11:40:26 iippo: "The horrible secret burning lightning bolt of a jackal" or something to that effect :P


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Linderel]: <URL:stuff/LamiMeww.wav>
Saved by [pixish] and [Linderel]: Lami mew!


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/Moonknightstront.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Santiago says a Dutch word for shit, 'stront' =P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/Moonknightdude.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Dude, yo dude' I don't remember why he said that, I believe it was about his accent :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightTooDrunk.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: He was drunk, and thirsty :)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightDracula.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Dracula :D

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightSnorlax.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: That word is mine!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightLikesBatman.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Liking Batman in a sexy way? :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightGiggle.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: *giggle*

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightTalkLaughing.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Talking and laughing don't mix well :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightTasty.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Plum!?

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightSerious1.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: must be ill :o

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/Moonknight_yawn.wav>
Saved by [Teufelsweib]: *whistles innocently* ^_^;

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightMTVonpaska.wav>
Saved by [Linderel]: Hummm. <_<

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightConfused.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Confusing conversation!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightBattleStarGallacticaIsPoop.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Battlestar Gallactica is Poop!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightDrinksBlood.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: I want to drink your blood :O

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightTooComplicated.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: It's all too complicated, dot wav dot this dot that..

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightBaTManBaDMan.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Batman or bad man??

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightIRStupid.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: IR Stupid

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightNoComment.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: No comments on that one.. :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightAttractiveBatMan.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Batman is much more attractive than Mike Tyson, but not in a weird way xD

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightMikeTyson.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Woman should like Batman, but not Mike Tyson :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightSuperheroCape.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: He is a superhero and he has a cape, you know ;)


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Patri]: <URL:stuff/BeerNo.wav>
Saved by [Patri]: To [Viking]: "Vikingo, no me gusta la cerveza" (Viking, I don't like beer) :-P


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/Pixiegnite.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Speaks for itself :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/PixieBastards.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Bastards....bastards!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/PixieHeTalkCute.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'He talk cute..'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/Voice_Clips_pixie_azazazazaza.wav>
Saved by [Isilando]: That came after a lot of similar ones from me >:D

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/nixie_goestochurch.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: I recorded this for someone who wanted to hear me talking ^_^

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/PixHappyBirthday.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose] ^_______^

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/pixie%20shimmer%20jooz.wav>
Saved by [Moonknight]: 'Joooz! delicious mixed froot!' heheheh


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Teufelsweib]: <URL:stuff/Allison_piew.wav>
Saved by Vork: something I send to people when they are listening to music too hard, this'll make them deaf >:P (though it's not on full volume here ;) )

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Teufelsweib]: <URL:stuff/elizungud.wav>
Saved by [Moonknight]: This is Elizun greeting me with her everyday normal greeting :)


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [spincrus]: <URL:stuff/SpincrusInTheMood.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: [spincrus] getting in the mood xP


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseNaughtyThings.wav>
Saved and edited by [djxmonster]: 'What naughty things are you up to'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseBastards.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: Bastards!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseWTF.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: The Australians are like...

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseTouchingYou.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: omg!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseStayTuned.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: xD Sex with him too? :o (I uploaded the wrong one!)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseIsiPressups.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "Wow, Isi can do a lot of pressups" :p

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseAlanRiddle.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: I'm pretty sure this was in response to [font]'s *Riddle* clip

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseFarmyard.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Animal noises!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunStopWatchingMySmilies.WAV>
Saved by [Sunrose] (a year ago): [Anomynous] was paying too much attention to them!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/Sunny_GhwanCarloos.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: [All_Most PUNK] wanted to hear me say Juan Carlos..

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunWTF.wav>
Talking to [Moonknight]:
What the fuck did there happen there???!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunYouSoundedLikeWhat.wav>
Talking to [Moonknight]:
You sounded like you were p..???? :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunInsultingMyAccent.wav>
Talking to [Moonknight]:
Are you insulting my accent?

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunExcitedMicrophone.wav>
Talking to [Moonknight]:
That microphone looks very excited..

[Sunrose] and [Moonknight]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose] and [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/Debby%20Blarabam.mp3>
Saved by [Moonknight]: I challenged her to say something cool, but it just sounded like she was chocking on something, hehehe

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose] and [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/Debby%20Plablax.mp3>
Saved by [Moonknight]: testing Debby's vocal skills. To a cool word of my own invention. At first she didn't get it right,
but after she did it masterfully :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose] and [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonSunDutch.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose], edited by [Moonknight]: Say something in Dutch...

[Sunrose] and [True, plain and simple]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose] and [True, plain and simple]: <URL:stuff/SunTrueuhhuh.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: I think he was eating ice cream at the time?!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose] and [True, plain and simple]: <URL:stuff/SunnTrueDutchieAccent.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: :p

[True, plain and simple]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [True, plain and simple]: <URL:stuff/TrueFireZeMissiles.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: And the French would be like...

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [True, plain and simple]: <URL:stuff/TrieMuppetChef.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: ^^

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [True, plain and simple]: <URL:stuff/TrueFacility.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: True saying 'facility' in a creepy way :P


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherDoingAlly.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: In relation to a clue for the Herald Hunt :p

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherAdvise.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Advising against clicking on an either loud, or gross voice clip, I think.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherDrunkDrink.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: NARF

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherGremlin.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Gremlin Giggle

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherCheese.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: He LOVES Cheese!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherSmells.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: I see dead people...

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherEntireZoo.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "It's an entire zoo!"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherChristianSex.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: You cannot have sex with stuff!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherGreetings.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Microphone Fumes? :o

[Moonknight], [ally], [Shreya], [pixish], [Isilando]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg>[Moonknight], [ally], [Shreya], [pixish], [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/Voice_Clips_GLABLADABLAX.mp3>
"Voice clip convention on the 9th of April, 2006 (for all the participants) (who actually, by the way, were from all the spots around the globe, on a longitude basis) (just make a walk around Earth and stop at random spots and pick up people and then make them all voice clip party). So yea, that is Santi(ago) teaching people how to say explosive, intelligent words. Being the best student in that is not something I'd be so proud of >.< (pity I am the one actually...). And we didn't beat [Sunrose]'s plablax >.< Daaamn."
Saved and compiled by [Moonknight]. Dreadful task of uploading and wiki-editing by [Isilando]. Commentary by [Isilando] as well. All right copylefted 2006.


Idea development: [Isilando] and [All_Most PUNK].
Wiki creation: [Patri].

Featured collaborator/creator: <img:stuff/star2.gif> [Sunrose] <img:stuff/star2.gif>.
Featured voice clips-"adder" (if that word exists :-P): <img:stuff/star2.gif> [pixish] <img:stuff/star2.gif>
Banner design:<img:stuff/star5.gif> [Moonknight] <img:stuff/star5.gif>

Thanks to all those who keep adding voice clips. This wiki would be quite empty without your help :-)

Username (or number or email):


2006-06-11 [someelf]: ^.^ That too ^^' *Nuzzles Sunny* :)

2006-06-12 [Patri]: So [someelf], what does "[Patri] giggles*" mean? :P Yes, I read all the comments! :-D

2006-06-12 [ally]: *blushes* omg nuzzled and cheeck-licked. Mmm neck-nuzzling *lubs necks*.// It means you're a giggler x)

2006-06-12 [someelf]: *Nods to Ally* That's what I ment ^_^ *Giggles of the nuzzeling and clah-clings* :3 *Bops Patri and licks cheek as well*

2006-06-12 [ally]: Woohah so many fun wordsies in one sentence: nuzzling and clah-things and bops xD

2006-06-12 [someelf]: Cling* And yeah.. :3 *snickers and ish bopped.* Oh *Le gasps* Evil! *Bops back.* There we go XD

2006-06-12 [ally]: Woohoo it's getting abstract x) Are you describing a ride on the rollercoaster?

2006-06-12 [someelf]: *Coughes* Sure >X3

2006-06-12 [ally]: Dah you weren't :P You were applebopping :)

2006-06-12 [someelf]: I don't know really. I might, but I also might not :D

2006-06-12 [spincrus]: Dumpleshimming and cracklefarming is the way to go. Oh also maybe limblesmiggling.

2006-06-12 [ally]: But those make no sense at all :P

2006-06-12 [someelf]: XD ^^' Weirdo's >_>

2006-06-12 [spincrus]: Doesn't matter, it's all in making these words up. I call such words "Harry Potterized English". "Hey Harry, I've been to Snifflecoke today!" "Really Hermione? I like to Buttlefluck with my big wand!"

2006-06-12 [someelf]: Oh my gosh.. XD! That's hilirious.

2006-06-12 [someelf]: I wonder wich kind of 'wand' too >_> *huge perv* <_< >_>

2006-06-12 [spincrus]: You should see the conversations I had using the "Harry Potterized English" with [Kileaiya] :D

2006-06-12 [someelf]: XD Show me? :3

2006-06-12 [spincrus]: :D Hold on

2006-06-12 [someelf]: XD Okay ^_^'

2006-06-12 [spincrus]: "Look, Harry, it's the snigglebum!"  ///  "Yes Hermione, it's snigglebum indeed! Why don't I knucklefuck you while you perform some cumchuck and I watch you guys buttfuck each other?"  ///  "Oh, Harry, you'll need to eat my dingleberries before you can put your butterfinger in my fishybits!"  ///  "I'm a homoqueer myself Hermione, that's not possible!"

2006-06-12 [someelf]: o.o ....O_O... XD!!!! *Rofl* Oh my.. XD *Goes to your house and tackles you secretly* Shhhhh XD

2006-06-13 [someelf]: I got a voice recorec on my MP3 >_> But I've no clue on how to put in on here o.o?

2006-06-13 [Nita]: Connect it to your PC, copy, upload to Elftown :P

2006-06-13 [someelf]: I knew that but I hadn't any uploading thingy yet ^^ Wich Sunny just did for me XD

2006-06-13 [Sunrose]: Jajaja :p

2006-06-13 [Sunrose]: You know, you can name the files so that you don't get 'documentsblabla' :P You can write name.wav and Elftown will give the file that name :)

2006-06-13 [someelf]: I did but they didn't change o.o

2006-06-13 [Sunrose]: Try it again by re-uploading them :) (put it in the second field, not the third one ;)

2006-06-13 [someelf]: o_o Okay like this? <URL:stuff/E%3ARecorded%20TracksMoo.WAV>?

2006-06-13 [Sunrose]: Yesss, but without using spaces in the name, when you use spaces in the name Elftown turns the space into '%20' :P

2006-06-13 [someelf]: ohhh okay ^^

2006-06-13 [Moonknight]: Moo? heheheh

2006-06-13 [someelf]: ^^' I was just in a randomness mood :)

2006-06-13 [Moonknight]: Moo is good for randomness, hahah *thumbsup*

2006-06-13 [Teufelsweib]: aaaww... the moo is cute :P

2006-06-13 [someelf]: *Laughs and takes the thumbs and puts it in her pockets* Thanks :D

2006-06-14 [ally]: "couldn't open the file" -_- // Hahaha I should read Harry Potter

2006-06-14 [someelf]: Awww ;_;

2006-06-15 [someelf]: *Hides while putting this up* Sorry for sweeping with it x.x Hope it's not too.. random :3 <URL:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingshniDokumenterBillederVideoen%201.avi>

2006-06-15 [someelf]: And now I can't seem to change the name of it =/

2006-06-16 [ally]: Is there a video to go with that? :P *wants to see the plushies*

2006-06-17 [someelf]: XD There is a video yeps ^^' Btw.. That's only 1/3 of the plushies XD The rest is in Norway or in boxes or in Holland >_> (PS. there's behind the closet door more :D)

2006-06-22 [Janouk]: *thinks this page could really be rated for its uniqueness* :)

2006-06-22 [Janouk]: And someelf, the clip was great! ;)

2006-06-22 [someelf]: ^-^ Thank you xD Just Elfy please ^_^'

2006-06-22 [Moonknight]: hee hee, "plooshies" ^_^ and ELVIS! woooo!

2006-06-22 [someelf]: XD ^^' *Blushes* My fiance looooves Elvis :) He made me addicted >_> <_<

2006-06-22 [iippo]: Elvis is awesome :3

2006-06-22 [Moonknight]: Elvis is cool ;)

2006-06-22 [iippo]: Y'know who else is cool? Fonzie! :D

2006-06-22 [Sunrose]: That was our cats name before adoption :P

2006-06-22 [Moonknight]: Elvis?? hehehe, thats a very cool name for a cat actually =D

2006-06-22 [Sunrose]: No, Fonzie! :P

2006-06-22 [Moonknight]: Elvis is better :P

2006-06-22 [Sunrose]: We changed his name :P

2006-06-22 [Moonknight]: to Elvis?

2006-06-22 [Sunrose]: To Livingstone :P

2006-06-23 [Moonknight]: ahh, right! good name too ;)

2006-06-23 [Patri]: Rate it then [Janouk]! :D

2006-06-23 [iippo]: A cool cat called Fonzie. :O How suiting.

2006-06-29 [Janouk]: I will [Patri] ;) One question left though, is everybody ok with the fact that this page is going to be exported?

2006-06-29 [Moonknight]: I don't mind

2006-06-29 [Sunrose]: Okay :p

2006-06-29 [Isilando]: I mind!

2006-06-29 [Sunrose]: :O! liaarrrrr

2006-06-29 [Isilando]: *lspalspalpslas*

2006-06-30 [Patri]: It's okay :)

2006-06-30 [ally]: .. veto...

2006-06-30 [Patri]: Mmmm it seems opinions are divided...

2006-06-30 [All_Most PUNK]: I like to show off, so I'm ok with it ;) (It'll probably have more listeners that UPMA's radio show).

2006-06-30 [Patri]: XD

2006-07-01 [ally]: Awwwww :P

2006-07-08 [All_Most PUNK]: Umm, gotta upload a couple more mp3s, now that I have recordings of the 4 programms we have done.

2006-07-08 [pixish]: This page is not exported yet? :o

2006-07-08 [All_Most PUNK]: It is now.

2006-07-08 [pixish]: yayyyy

2006-07-09 [ally]: :O

2006-07-09 [iippo]: It should be rated as the most informative wiki. I've learnt so much by listening this! :P

2006-07-09 [Sunrose]: Like? :P

2006-07-09 [pixish]: You cannot have sex with stuff? :D

2006-07-09 [Moonknight]: Some people do though

2006-07-09 [Sunrose]: x)

2006-07-09 [pixish]: ohhh :o See, I did not know that ^_~ and now I do :D

2006-07-09 [Moonknight]: hehehe

2006-07-10 [ally]: we want examples....

2006-07-10 [pixish]: photographic examples? :p

2006-07-10 [Moonknight]: you two are dirty minded

2006-07-10 [pixish]: *washes ally's mind* ^_^

2006-07-10 [Moonknight]: you too young lady

2006-07-10 [ally]: zomg I want to see the pictures yes... who's too young?

2006-07-10 [Moonknight]: no no, You TOO, young lady :P

2006-07-10 [pixish]: xDDD *is laughingggg* 'you too young, lady' :p

2006-07-10 [ally]: aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh I'm tired and need sleep and stuff and mind isn't dirty ...

2006-07-10 [pixish]: yes, ally's mind is naturally sweet and pure *^_^* *sings lullabies* go to bed silly!

2006-07-10 [ally]: I will .. I will go now... but peoples is keeping me awake, the evils -_-

2006-07-10 [Moonknight]: some people are just evil -_-*

2006-07-10 [ally]: yeah spank them :O

2006-07-10 [Moonknight]: and some people like to be spanked you know?..

2006-07-10 [ally]: Yeah but you're not one of them ^^

2006-07-10 [Moonknight]: how would you know that?

2006-07-10 [iippo]: It's another of those things we learn through this page. You have a non-spankers voice.

2006-07-10 [pixish]: who does have a spankers voice? :o

2006-07-10 [Teufelsweib]: ...spankers voice? O_o

2006-07-10 [All_Most PUNK]: Ally: Sorry, you were the only one against it. // Pix: You cannot have sex with stuff? Sure... err... be right back // Me wants photographic examples too! // Moonknight: commas are your friends. Don’t fight them, follow them! // Slavork: I'm as curious as you are.

2006-07-11 [ally]: I can tell a spanker from a mile away//Thought I had veto-right :P//

2006-07-11 [Teufelsweib]: but... how?

2006-07-11 [iippo]: Hmm, it has something to do with the noise you make when spanked/spanking, and it sticks to your normal voice too and then other people can hear it from your voice. *nodnod*

2006-07-11 [Teufelsweib]: what noise do you make when you're spanking/spanked then? O______O

2006-07-11 [pixish]: I make a noise kind of like 'ouchomgwhatdidyoudothatfor" ^^

2006-07-11 [ally]: Omgbecauseyouwerenaughty!

2006-07-11 [pixish]: omgyoulieandneedtobespanked!

2006-07-11 [ally]: omgsonottruebutyesIneedtobespanked! :P

2006-07-11 [Patri]: Quote of the day: [ally]: "I need to be spanked" :P

2006-07-11 [iippo]: I demand to hear her say that on voice clip!

2006-07-11 [Teufelsweib]: hear if she really has the spanking voice? :P

2006-07-11 [iippo]: yes, otherwise it might not be safe to spank her.

2006-07-11 [Teufelsweib]: so if she has a spanking voice... we can all spank her without having to feel guilty?

2006-07-11 [iippo]: And if she doesn't have a spanking voice, we have to protect her from future spankings.

2006-07-11 [Teufelsweib]: Ally-spanking-protection team? or the spanker busters? :P

2006-07-12 [All_Most PUNK]: Ally: Your veto right extends only till it crashes with my right to do whatever I want :D // I'll spank ally

2006-07-13 [ally]: xD that makes sense ^^// Omg... are you a good spanker?

2006-07-14 [Patri]: Ally do you realize the only way to see if he's a good spanker or not is letting him spank you O_O

2006-07-14 [Teufelsweib]: or asking a professional...

2006-07-14 [Patri]: O_o do you know a professional so ally can ask?

2006-07-15 [iippo]: From what I've seen, Sunrose seems to be the most experienced spanker, although she's not a professional (or is she?)...

2006-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: if she has a degree in spanking, you never know!

2006-07-15 [All_Most PUNK]: Ally: Of course it makes sense. I'm a superior power. And for the second part... I don't know. It's so relative // Patri: Good point :)

2006-07-18 [Jitter]: Lol /watches Anyone can add? :D

2006-07-20 [Isilando]: Of course... I guess :p I am almost definitely sure about it.

2006-07-20 [Jitter]: Hehe cool I'm gonna make some stupidity heard then ^_^

2006-07-20 [Teufelsweib]: yay! :D

2006-07-20 [Jitter]: I have one nice but it's in Greek. But you can hear me go: "Roaaaaar, said the monster when it exited it's cave" and the inspired wiki-->the monster said.

2006-07-22 [All_Most PUNK]: Personally, I think that everybody should be forced to add.

2006-07-22 [Teufelsweib]: everyone should say "Roaaaaar, said the monster when it exited it's cave" >:)

2006-07-22 [Jitter]: LOL I will get the greek version up then :p with a parental warning on :p

2006-07-22 [Teufelsweib]: lol! XD

2006-07-23 [Jitter]: shite I must upload elsewhere >.<

2006-09-02 [Cia_mar]: how do you put a clip on here! i need to be walked through it!

2006-09-02 [ally]: I think you just need a higher priv to upload those kinds of files :P *fixed that now*

2006-09-02 [Cia_mar]: :D thanks!

2006-09-02 [pixish]: I tried to get Zab to give me a voice clip but her mic is broken ;_;

2006-09-02 [ally]: :O *doesn't believe* >> >>

2006-09-02 [Cia_mar]: i'm gonna post mine!

2006-09-02 [Teufelsweib]: yaay! :D Cia voice clip! :D

2006-09-02 [Teufelsweib]: I love your voice, Cia ^^

2006-09-02 [Cia_mar]: huggles! thanks!
maybe on my next clip i will sing for all you!!! lol

2006-09-02 [Teufelsweib]: :O you can sing? I want to hear! :D

2006-09-02 [Cia_mar]: ok... i guess i had better do one like that then you insist!!!

2006-09-02 [Jitter]: Oooh nice voice Cia ^^ I should upload my voice some time :p

2006-09-02 [Teufelsweib]: yeah!! you too! :D

2006-09-02 [Cia_mar]: you should... i am gonna post the chorus of a song in a sec

2006-09-02 [Teufelsweib]: yay! :D can't wait ;)

2006-09-02 [Lothuriel]: You have such a nice voice Cia!! 

2006-09-02 [Teufelsweib]: *is jealous* :P

2006-09-02 [Lothuriel]: Why jealous, [Teufelsweib]? I haven't heard your voice yet....

2006-09-02 [Cia_mar]: *blushes* thanks...
having slow comp probs with getiing my voice on here.. gonna try again

2006-09-02 [Teufelsweib]: take my word that I don't have a nice voice >_>

2006-09-02 [Lothuriel]: LOL...nor do I. I have the worst southern draw!

2006-09-02 [Teufelsweib]: then we both share at least one thing in common :P it's always horrible to hear myself back in movies or voice clips >_>

2006-09-02 [Cia_mar]: ok there i am ... singing! lol

2006-09-02 [Teufelsweib]: ^______^

2006-09-04 [Cia_mar]: you shouldn't be so hard on yourself! southern drawls are fine... and you may not like how you sound but then again... you are your own worst critics... i know this only because i do not like how i sound

2006-09-04 [Lothuriel]: Well, I am a bit proud of my heritage but, when someone isn't used to hearing accent throws them off...

2006-09-05 [Cia_mar]: i wish that i could speak with an irish accent since my grandfather was irish... but nope... i was born in new jersey and then when i was 12 i moved to california.... where everyone said i didn't have a jersey acent so they thought i wasn't really from now i live in kansas... guess i just never got the accent, well unless i am hanging around someone who has it!... in fact if i am a round someone irish long enough i pick it up too!

2006-09-07 [Lady of Lore]: how do we record voice clips and add them to elftown? (I'm lacking in techno skills somewhat, lol)

2006-09-07 [Teufelsweib]: I only know that most of these are saved from MSN conversations... don't really know how it's else done :/

2006-09-07 [iippo]: With Windows, you should have a sound recorder, somewhere in the start-place (sorry, Finnish Windows and late evening, can't bother to find translations... poke around your computer, it should be there). If you use a mac, you're probably used to being f00ked anyay :P

And you can upload to the wiki if the guardly typed lower your priv a bit. Since most of them watch here you should do fine :P

2006-09-07 [iippo]: If I lived in Star Trek, I would make the computer of my starship talk with Pixie_shimmer's voice.

...I want to live in Star Trek now... :(

2006-09-07 [Cia_mar]: me too!!!! i love star trek

2006-09-07 [ally]: I don't watch startrek but my computer would laugh like this: <URL:stuff/Fontlaugh.wav> x)

2006-09-07 [Cia_mar]: i would be afraid if my comp laughed at me l ike that!

2006-09-07 [ally]: *thinks it's sexy* x) ... and a bit evil :P

2006-09-07 [Cia_mar]: evil is a good word for it!

2006-09-08 [ally]: rawr

2006-09-08 [Sunrose]: Hah x)

2006-10-08 [Sunrose]: What is that sound? :PP

2006-10-08 [Teufelsweib]: PIEW! XD
I don't know how I do that, honestly. but it's hard and affective when you want attencion :P

2006-10-08 [Sunrose]: Heh xD

2006-10-21 [iippo]: Keyshika! Record another tongue twister: Sakaalin kamala salakavala palava pallosalama.

2006-10-21 [Teufelsweib]: what does that mean? :P

2006-10-21 [iippo]: "The horrible secret burning lightning bolt of a jackal" or something to that effect :P

2006-10-21 [Teufelsweib]:

2006-10-21 [Levoton]: I'll get to it one day.

2006-10-21 [Levoton]: There you go. ;)

2006-10-22 [iippo]: xD Wewt!

2006-10-22 [Teufelsweib]: that sounds really great XD

2006-10-22 [Levoton]: :D

2006-10-22 [Anomynous]: Well, I couldn't resist so...
That's me saying (or at least trying to say) "mustan kissan paksut posket"= the thick cheeks of the black cat

2006-12-12 [Sunrose]: No new voiceclips added, just added some spaces :o
Someone should record some though, I have an interesting one from [spincrus]..but first I shall try to blackmail him with it xD

2006-12-12 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Oh now this is interesting! I had no idea this was here. Is anyone allowed to add a clip?

2006-12-12 [Sunrose]: Yes, but the coolest would be if you managed to sneakily save a recording of someone else and add it here hehe.. =)
But of course it would also be cool to just hear your voice :D

2006-12-12 [Cia_mar]: hmmm i should do another one... they are fun!!!!

2006-12-12 [Dark Side of the Moon]: *scratches head* Well, it's more of a video of myself and my family. Does that count?

2006-12-12 [Cia_mar]: can we do vids here?

2006-12-12 [Sunrose]: Err I don't know, but you should show it now that you mentioned it! :P

2006-12-12 [Cia_mar]: maybe we need a new wiki link for vids?

2006-12-12 [Sunrose]: Well, only if we will have a lot of submissions for that I think ^^'

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